Events + Activities

Upcoming Events + Activities

March 2: Trinity Pancake Breakfast

Indulge in Pre-Lent Pancakes! Participants in our Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) will be serving up a delicious pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 2nd, in the Parish Hall following the 10 a.m. service. The menu includes pancakes (obviously!), sausage, fruit, coffee and juice. All proceeds will go to the Rector's Discretionary Fund. Please note: This event is in lieu of our Shrove Tuesday supper from previous years. If you have any questions, please contact Liz Paulsen at or 414-367-9750.

March 2, 9 + 16: Episco 101 Classes for Adults

Classes for adults interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church and/or being confirmed or received when Bishop Matthew Gunter officiates at an Area Wide Liturgy for Confirmation at Trinity Church on Sunday, May 18 at 4 p.m. began Sunday, Feb. 9.

For folks navigating child care or crowded evening schedules, there will be a class offered on Sunday afternoons at the home of Brendon and Carla Dorn, 2557 North 81st Street in Wauwatosa. These classes will be from 3-5 p.m.

If you would prefer attending a class at Trinity Church, another class will be offered on the same dates from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., but because of the Super Bowl, there will be one less Sunday session. The dates for the classes are:

  • March 2: 3-5 p.m. OR 5:30-7:30 p.m.

  • March 9: 3-5 p.m. OR 5:30-7:30 p.m.

  • March 16: 3-5 p.m. OR 5:30-7:30 p.m.

  • April 13: 3-5 p.m. OR 5:30-7:30 p.m.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please email Gary at

March 3: Men’s Group

The Men’s Fellowship Group will gather on Monday, March 3, at 6:30 p.m.

March 5: Ash Wednesday

Liturgy in the Nave at 7 a.m., 12 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Each observance will include the Imposition of Ashes and a celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

March 7: Stations of the Cross

7 a.m. on Friday mornings - March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 4 and 11. Enter through the Chapel door along Milwaukee Avenue.

March 7: Friday Fellowship

The theme for the next First Friday Fellowship is French Food. Bring your favorite French Food and join in the fun on Friday, March 7 at 6:00 pm. Emily Watkins sends out an email each month with more details, so if you would like to be on that list email her at

March 12: Bible Study

Zoom Bible Study begins Feb. 5. We will be replacing and discussing the Old Testament books of Joshua and Judges. As a companion resource, we will be using the book, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth for Everyone by William Goldingay. The resource is completely optional for participants, but people desiring a copy should procure their own.

The scheduled discussion gatherings are as follows:

  • March 12 -- Joshua 17-22

  • March 26 -- Joshua 23 - Judges 4

  • April 9 -- Judges 5-12

  • April 23 -- Judges 13-21

March 14: Dinner-On-The-Go: Volunteer Opportunity

Trinity Church volunteers provide "Dinner-on-the-Go" bagged lunches for The Gathering at Ascension Lutheran Church on 27th and Scott, offering evening meals for guests when no Saturday night meal sites are open.

Lunches are prepared on the Friday before the third Saturday each month. Currently, we assemble 150 meals—each with a PB&J sandwich, fruit, juice, homemade cookies, and a salty snack—though up to 250 guests are served weekly. The joyful process typically takes just 45 minutes!

We need your help! More volunteers make the work lighter and the experience even more rewarding.

More Preparation Dates:

  • April 18

  • May 16

  • June 20

(Note: Some dates fall on the second Friday due to how the calendar aligns with the third Saturday.)

Donations Needed:

  • Jif peanut butter

  • Squeezable jelly

  • Small salty snacks

  • Homemade cookies (packaged two per small bag)

  • Large brown lunch bags

Questions? Contact Jill Paradowski at 414-704-7840 or

March 17: Comfort Club

The Trinity Comfort Club will be tying blankets on Monday, March 17 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Parish Hall. Come and join the club as they create knots on blankets for Kathy’s House and Children’s Hospital.

March 19: Bach in Wawautosa

All are welcome to enjoy an organ and piano performance by Curt Sather and John Pardowski at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church. The performance is free. All are welcome to have lunch at St. Matthew's prior to the Bach Birthday recital on Wednesday, 19 March. The lunch is at 11:30 a.m. before the 12 noon program. You must make a reservation by calling the office at St. Matthew's at 414-774-0441. State you are from Trinity Church and would like to reserve a place at lunch on the 19th, and place your order (lunch comes from City Market): Roast Turkey sandwich, Black Forest Ham sandwich, Vegetable Stack sandwich, or Cobb Salad. The cost is $12, payable at the door. St. Matthew's provides chips and drinks. The deadline for making a lunch reservation on is Friday, March 14.

March 21 : Bach in Wawautosa

All are welcome to enjoy an organ performance by Curt Sather at 7 p.m. Trinity in celebration of Bach’s 340th birthday. The event is free and open to the public.

March 23 : Potluck Brunch

A potluck brunch will take place after the 10 a.m. Liturgy on March 23. Please bring a dish to pass. (No Sunday School on this day).

April 10 and May 22 : Book Discussion

Interested parishioners are invited to join Gary Manning and Emily Watkins in reading the award-winning book, James: A Novel by Percival Everett. We will gather for in-person discussions in the Parish Lounge on April 10 and May 22. Both discussions will begin at 7:00 pm and conclude by 8:30 pm. Participants are responsible for getting their own copy of the book.